
Why digital marketing is important for small businesses?

Would you believe if I say that the usage of internet has just tripled in these four years. As everything is turning digital companies have started jumping into online platform nowadays to market their products. To start a business it is not just the market plan that you require. But it is also necessary to create awareness about the product and services you provide. How to get connected with the targeted audience? What are the essential marketing strategy you need for developing a business? You got to do some market research about the product and the competitors marketing strategy. Come up with innovations, modifications and differentiations that how your product differ from your competitor. Nextly, how do you build trust among the audience? There comes Marketing. Digital marketing has become an integral part of a business as there are millions of social media users as per the recent survey report. In 20th century, traditional marketing became more popular. Television and radio served as a popular platform for the marketing agencies to telecast their commercial ads and create brand identity. Traditional marketing works well for larger businesses with larger investments like real estates, jewelry. What about small business? How a small business can compete with the larger brand?  It is through digital marketing. It seems to be budget friendly. It serves as a platform to create brand identity, build good customer relationship and engage with target audience. The usage of smartphones and internet has become unavoidable and everybody prefers for the hands-on access for the internet and that is where digital marketing began to thrive. Customers spend more time on online than ever before. According to a research center, nearly 75% of Americans are likely to make online purchases and in India ecommerce penetration is estimated to rise to 9 to 10% by 2027 which was around 4.5 % in 2021. And moreover in traditional marketing, it is difficult to predict the customer behavior and customer satisfaction. Whereas, Digital marketing helps to reach larger audiences and target the right audience who are likely interested in buying your products and services. Providing informative content in websites hooks the customer and attracts them to your brand. It also helps in generating website traffic and optimize it when required. You can also see the most viewed pages in your websites and kind of products the customers are more interested in.

There are different types of digital marketing. Let’s see what are they and how they are helpful for the growth opportunities.

  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Email Marketing
  3. Mobile Marketing
  4. Content Marketing
  5. Search Engine Optimization

Social Media Marketing : In social media marketing, you can market your products through social media platforms such as Facebooks, Twitter, Instagram. As per 2022 annual report, there are about 470.1 million active social media users in India which represents 33.4% of the total population. It is budget-friendly and helps you track the consumer behavior. You can stay in touch with the target audiences and keep them updated about your products. You can study about the customer reviews and comments, which ensures companies focus on their product quality. So this social media marketing serves as the best platform for the businesses to seek growth opportunities and target their niche audience.

Email Marketing : In email marketing, you can send messages like advertisements related to your products to a group of people using email. The total number of email users globally is estimated to be more than 4.26 billion and is predicted to grow up to 4.73 billion by 2026. It is where you can generate sales by sharing your offers and discounts, fostering leads and bringing up your ROI. You can communicate with your customers directly and monitor your marketing campaign which increases the chance of your conversion rates. So this email marketing serves as the preferred touchpoint for the businesses.


Mobile Marketing : Mobile marketing is where you market your products and services through SMS, MMS and mobile applications. In this modern era, use of smartphones has become unavoidable, as everybody prefers for the hands-on internet access. The use of mobile users has outnumbered the desktop users and you can expect this to continue even further. According to recent survey reports, nearly 40% of internet usage is done on mobile phones. Mobile marketing strategy involves app-based marketing(use GoogleAdMob to create mobile ads), in-game mobile marketing(banner pop-up ads, full image video ads or video ads), location based marketing(based upon users location) and mobile search ads(Google search ads). It is requisite for businesses to get connected to the customers constantly and directly and it is one of the best marketing tactics a company can adhere to.

Content Marketing : Content marketing is the marketing strategy where you can educate your audience about your products through the relevant articles like images, videos and content relevant to your services. It is actually the picturization of the services that attracts the customers easily than any other marketing strategies. Creating an impressive Adcopy and content strategy proposal will help customers take immediate action right away thereby reducing bounce rates. A great piece of content will help you travel with your customers effectively. Nearly 21% of marketers are dedicating their budget to marketing campaigns as of 2021 survey reports. Different content marketing strategies involve offline marketing, online marketing, podcast where you can target every stage of the customer journey. Therefore to meet a successful ROI and garner attention, content marketing strategies would be significant for a business.

Search Engine Optimization : Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quality of the website to generate more traffic. It is the process of ranking your websites higher in search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Ranking is done based on the links, content of the web page and the page structure. Search Engine Optimization involves keyword research(Google Ads keyword Planner), building backlinks(Backlink Analysis tool), on-page and off-page optimization(SEO platforms), creating internal links and it helps increase in organic traffic and achieve sites conversion rate.As the number one site receives the 40-60% of the total traffic, it is important for a website to rank higher on the search engine to reach the target audience and SEO plays a predominant role in your business growth.


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